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You are:
The Phlegmy Type

You have dealt with chronic phlegm and mucus affecting your lungs and/or sinuses. You cough, blow your nose, or clear your throat a lot to try to get this stubborn mucus out and you probably snore at night. You are prone to getting sinus infections, asthma, and/or bronchitis.
Possible Symptoms:
cough with phlegm​
shortness of breath
stuffy feeling in the chest
sinus congestion
congestion that gets worse when lying down
white tongue coating
common cold
congenital weakness or premature birth
prolonged sadness or unresolved grief
excessive sitting with shoulders tensed and hunched over
Helpful Tips:
Eliminate dairy and cold foods from your diet.
Take breaks from sitting and stretch regularly.
Do qi gong exercises.
Ask your Chinese herbalist about taking herbs to clear phlegm.
Best foods to eat:
Vegetables: daikon, fennel, mushrooms, onions, radishes, seaweed, turnip, watercress
Fruits: cherries
Nuts/seeds: almonds, almond butter, flaxseed
Beans/legumes: garbanzo beans, lentils
Herbs/spices: cardamom, cayenne, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, horseradish, thyme

What to Drink:
Room-temperature or hot/warm water
Ginger tea
Foods & Drinks to AVOID:
all dairy products
red meat
soy products
greasy/fried foods
fatty foods

Recipes to Dissolve Phlegm:

Roasted Radishes for Respiratory Health