Radishes are cool and pungent in nature and improve the lungs and stomach. Radishes are the perfect food to improve upper respiratory conditions, sinus problems, cough, cold/flu, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, viral infections, and lung conditions because they clear up mucus and phlegm. Radishes also benefit the stomach by aiding in the digestion of fatty foods.

Most people think of radishes as being really bitter or peppery tasting, but when you roast them, the bitterness goes away and they are really tasty!

1 lb radishes, rinsed, ends trimmed, sliced lengthwise
Avocado oil spray
1 tsp dried thyme
½ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp onion powder
pinch of white pepper
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Put cut radishes in a large bowl. Spray lightly with avocado oil spray and add thyme, salt, garlic powder, onion powder and white pepper. Mix to combine. Spread out radishes onto a large baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, toss, then cook an additional 10-15 minutes. Serve.